Monday, July 20, 2009


....don't wake the baby.

My manuscript came back from copyediting. (The Short, Sad Life of Tooley Graham; spring 2010).

Ruby is napping and I finally have time to tackle it.

The flowers are from my garden.

The tablecloth is the Western States one that I bought on eBay even though I already had the exact same one - because I am such a ding dong brain.

The Post-It note on the Oprah Magazine (Oh, come on....I need a break once in a while) says: r-u-u-u-m-m-m.

That's the sound that a bullfrog makes.

In the first draft, I had ribbit.

But bullfrogs don't go ribbit.

But I didn't know how to describe the sound they make.

So I did a little research.

And the research taught me that they go r-u-u-u-m-m-m.

The reason I wrote it on a Post-It note is so I would remember how many "u's" and how many "m's" I put in there.

See what hard work writing is?


Kirby Larson said...

I think you should put some of that ruuummm in a tall glass of lemonade and chill out like Ruby!

Karen said...

I know that a lot of times writing probably is difficult, but spending time sitting on this lovely porch with that darling dog deciding what sound a frog makes -- well, I have to tell you that this doesn't appear to one of those difficult times. :)

Barbara O'Connor said...

Karen: Good point. hahaha

Augusta Scattergood said...

So Kirby has been a positive influence on your writing life for a very long time.